Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 11 Born to be mild
At the base of Rushmore Mountain, we rented an entire cabin. We started sharing our living experience. Denise and Wild Bill joined us. Due to the unfortunate weather that day, we decided to ride around Rapid City and Keystone. The town w... -
自動運転車についての自由英作問題で、 生徒は頭の中に、こんな日本語が浮かんできたといいます。 「自動運転車は社会にたくさんの影響を与えると思います。良いところ一つは、寝てても、行きたいところへ行けるということです。」 そこで、 Self-driving ... -
Created By I made a chocolate mousse cake. It tastes better than cakes from the bakery. My daughter took home more than half of it. During this season, underfloor heating is fantastic. My granddaughter woke up and laid down o... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 10 Ride through wilderness 荒野を走る
In the hotel parking lot where I stayed, there were many bikers. It was clear that everyone was heading to Sturgis. We would head south from North Dakota to South Dakota, and enter Sturgis. Skipping several scenic spots along the way, we... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
DAY 9 The Enchanted Highway
We took one of the most famous roads in the U.S., known as The Enchanted Highway, located in the state of North Dakota. There was a series of large metal sculptures along a highway, created by the artist Gary Greff. Pat and I were eager ... -
HPを開設した理由 leave a trace of my life
私事ではありますが、 12月の中頃に軽い心臓発作になり、カテーテル検査となりました。 幸い、大したこともなかったのですが…健康の大切さを思い知りました。 何か、自分の生きてきた足跡を残すことと、 次の世代に贈るメッセージを…と思い、 HPを始め... -
Shiny Side Up Cafe OPEN ! Owner’s Greeting
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Shiny Side Up Cafe! Thank you sincerely for joining us. On this beautiful day, a new adventure begins. Here, we promise you a delightful time and a cozy atmosphere. Whether you prefer a peaceful moment alone o... -
BD cake for kid 孫の誕生日ケーキ
孫の誕生日のケーキを作った時の動画です。 この時、孫は何歳だったでしょうか? This is a video which I recorded when I made a birthday cake for my grandchild. How old was my grandchild at that time? 語彙の確認 実はこの英作、生徒にやらせると... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 9 バイカー冥利の瞬間 with a sense of unity
We had a good night's rest, and smiles returned to everyone's faces. There are moments when riding a motorcycle is exciting and enjoyable. It's fun when we enter a big curve with a sense of unity among group bikers. The silhouettes of th... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 8 Feel the flow of time
Rest Day We Spent a relaxing time at Missouri River Lodge. We have been riding for about 500 kilometers a day until now. We observed a herd of cows and visited Knife River Indian Village, listening to what a park ranger said. I enjoyed ...