2024年2月– date –
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 4 It’s a wildfire.
Created By ondoku3.com We headed west on Highway 14 from Cody and entered Yellowstone National Park from the East Gate. While taking photos at the lake inside the park, we noticed a burnt smell. This burnt smell could be associated with ... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 3 The best is yet to come.
Created By ondoku3.com We stayed at motel 8 in Buffalo, where Interstate 90 and 25 intersect. We rode through Bighorn National Forest to Cody. We had a plan to stay at Cody and enjoy riding around Yellowstone National Park. What kind o... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 2 The sun’s reflections on the roads.
Created By ondoku3.com Dennis's bike came at the station but she left the key home. Standing outside in the heat of midsummer was harsh. Pat was looking for shade under the trees. As the trailer truck carried the bike to a nearby Harley ... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 1 Time for adventure
Created By ondoku3.com Day 1 We planned to get together at Rapid City. I flew to Denver. To tell you the truth, I worked until the morning of the departure day and jumped on the plane. Perhaps because I was so tired, I dozed off at the b... -
正誤問題対策②東京大学編 part 2
(22) Documentary film began in the last years of the nineteenth century [a]with the first films ever projected, and it can take many forms. It can be a trip to exotic lands and lifestyles, as was Nanook of the North (1922). It can be a v... -
the greatness of my wife
Created By ondoku3.com I visited my son's home with a Valentine's cake I had made. The youngest granddaughter, who is already 10 months old, has started to pull herself up to stand. My son did his duties, like preparing baby food,... -
(A)次の英文の段落にはそれぞれ誤りが一つある。誤った箇所を含む下線部を各段落から選び,その記号をマークせよ。 (21) The term “documentary” [a]emerged awkwardly out of early practice. When entrepreneurs in the late nineteenth century firs... -
青山学院大(英米文)BC方式 リスニング問題です。 設問をよく読んで、耳を傾けてくださいね。 Alice Watersさんに関しては知っておくべき人物だと思います。 <以下問題です。> Part II Short Answers ここでは,音声を聞いて,質問に対す... -
青山学院大(英米文)BC方式の入試問題からです。 Alice Watersさんは、知っておいた方がいい人物なので、入試ではない人にも聞いてもらいたいです。 Part III Multiple Choice ここでは,インタビューの最後のパートを聞いて、空所を埋めるのに最も適切な... -
青山学院大(英米文BC方式)対策です。 動画では、 音声1回目は、問題を一緒に解けるようになっています。 音声2回目は、解答と音声をもう一度流しているので確認です。 <問題> 音声を聞いて,空所を補充してください。まず,Part Iの英文に日を通して...