We went to Badlands National Park.
We rode through the vast wilderness.
We were excited to find two saloons at this deserted area.
We felt like we were a scene from a Western film.
Where does the badland begin?
Literally, this is the bad land where agriculture and grazing are impossible.
After a while, sand hills come into view.
We rode like the wind through the extraordinary scenery.
Yellow flowers bloomed on the roadside and waved at us.
I felt the beauty of life growing in places where no grass grows.
Is it true that these are sunflower seeds eaten by travelers?
I had a wonderful memory of the experience of exploring the badlands and the beauty of the landscape.
☞ Day 16
True or False Questions 💖Let’s try some listening practice.
Created By ondoku3.com
1.The author visited Badlands National Park.
2.They showed no interest in discovering two saloons in this deserted region.
3.They knew the exact starting point of the badland.
4.They rode swiftly through the remarkable landscape?
5.The author realized yellow blossoms flourished by the roadside and greeted them?
For Japanese learners :語彙の確認
※ wilderness:[wíldərnəs] 荒野
※ deserted:「見捨てられた」形容詞
※ grazing:「放牧」
<参考>graze cattle in the pasture「牛を放牧地で草を食べさせる」
※ feel like we were a screen : were on a screen
We felt like we were a scene from a Western film.
We felt like we were on a scene from a Western film.
※ literally:「文字通り」
※ come into view:「視界に入ってくる」
※ extraordinary:「普通ではない・非日常の」
※ bloom:「(花が)咲く」
※ wave at:「~に手を振る」
※ explore:「を探検する」
※ landscape:「風景」
【語彙の識別 scenery : landscape】
scenery は特定の視点から見た外観や景色
landscape は広がりや地域の環境全体
Badlands national park へ行った。
どこからが badlands というのだろう?
文字通りここで農業、放牧はできない bad land 。
True or False Questions Answers
1.True-The author visited Badlands National Park.
2.False-They showed no interest in discovering two saloons in this deserted region.
3.False-They knew the exact starting point of the badland.
4.True-They rode swiftly through the remarkable landscape?
5.True-The author realized yellow blossoms flourished by the roadside and greeted them?