未分類– category –
東北大 2021年 前期の問題を考えてみます。 次の文章を読み,下線部(A),(B)を英語に訳しなさい。 まず最初に“志(こころざし)"ということについて考えてみよう。 現代は志というものの価値が下落してしまった時代だ。声を大にして志を述べる人は少ないし... -
Part 1 Intensive Listening 音声を聞いて,空所を埋めるのに最も適切な選択肢を1つ選び、その番号をマークしてください。まず,Part Iの英文に目を通してください。音声は1分後に流れます。 As long as humans have been on the planet, they've been ... -
1日1題リスニング:Supra is back…better than ever!
Created By ondoku3.com Listening Test 1.The Supra has been out of production for 17 years. 2.Everyone has a car in mind they feel strongly about. 3.These amazing sports cars will never be produced again. 4.SUVs are nice, but there's noth... -
My wife has been working hard on my meals.
Created By ondoku3.com It has been three months since I had a heart attack at the end of the year. Today, I went to the hospital for a regular check-up with my wife. At the cardiac specialty hospital, almost everyone comes with someone e...