Business Books Challenge ビジパ本に挑戦– category –
Business Books Challenge ビジパ本に挑戦
1日1題リスニング:a pessimist, an optimist
Created By Listening Test Q1 1.Earl was an optimist and regretted not leaving home earlier. 2.Earl judged the situation calmly and took a detour. 3.Tony was a pessimist and becoming increasingly irritated. 4.Tony was prepared... -
Business Books Challenge ビジパ本に挑戦
1日1題リスニング:AKIO TOYODA
Created By トヨタ自動車の前社長豊田章男氏の卒業式でのスピーチは、秀逸です。 言っている内容も素晴らしいし、ユーモアもいっぱい盛り込んであって、とにかく、とてもおもしろいのです。使っている単語は教科書に載っているものばかり、... -
Business Books Challenge ビジパ本に挑戦
1日1題リスニング:Define your goals
Created By Listening test Q1 Think carefully before taking action. Talk about your thoughts clearly to convey them effectively to others. Set your goals and make plans to reach them. Describe your current situation in words...