大学入試 リスニング対策 青山学院大英米文a方式 764words 聞き取った内容から考えて,1から10の問題の答えとして最も適切なものを①から④の中から1つ選びなさい。 Created By In what year did Boeing Airplane Company begin o... -
the purpose of life 生きる糧
My grandchild likes chiffon cake, so I keep making them. Kids say "Only a plain chiffon cake, please." So, I try using honey, cassonade, coconut oil, MCT oil, and various other ingredients. I deeply believe that being needed by someone i... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 24 Give it a ride yourself!
Pat and I had a last ride. We visited a local Harley dealer to buy some parts for my Harley. And then, we headed to a seaside port and ate lobster rolls. In the evening, Pat's friends gathered and they were eager to hear the fantastic ad... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 23 What a fantastic adventure!
The sign said, 'Boston - 160 miles.' When we passed through the northern edge of the Appalachian Mountains, we saw typical eastern towns that have one church with a pointed tower. When I parted ways with Carol, who lives in Massachusetts... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 22 Just the thought of it
We headed east on Interstate 90. We found Harley dealerships on the map and made detours to visit them. I knew that we're approaching the end of such a journey. At Geneva, NY, the scenery isn't overwhelming, so I probably won't come back... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 21 The answer’s blowing in the wind.
I pass through Cleveland, Ohio. "How many times did I stop at traffic lights today? Maybe, three times?" Sometimes, I'm criticized for my long journey by people living in Japan. "I can't take a long vacation; I have to work to make a liv... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
Day 20 Check the conditions of gas station
We intended to ride straight through Chicago, but we were caught in traffic jams. We almost ran out of gas so we had to get off the interstate 90 and find a gas station. Before long, I felt the atmosphere at the gas station was different... -
Day 19 From Harley dealer to Harley dealer
In the early morning, we began our ride. Every time it started to rain, we changed into our rain gear under the overpass. We put on and took off helmets, because helmet regulations varied by state. We always stopped by nearby Harley deal... -
Created By "If you say this cake was bought in stores, I will believe it. It's delicious, and it's cute sitting on the table." My daughter may say the right things, or just flatter. I've never looked on the cake sitting on th... -
Explore the USA with Harley-Davidson
DAY 18 Still a long way to go 帰路につく
On the morning of departure, it was cloudy. We simply rode east along Interstate 90. When I tried to catch up with my friends and overtook the 18-wheeler truck, the driver threw sunflower seeds at me. I felt like I were pulled back from ...