We intended to ride straight through Chicago, but we were caught in traffic jams.
We almost ran out of gas so we had to get off the interstate 90 and find a gas station.
Before long, I felt the atmosphere at the gas station was different.
Bulletproof glass was set in front of the cashier at the gas station.
I have never seen this type of gas station.
I learned that the U.S. is known as a car-centered society. So we can know the safety of an area is by checking the conditions of its gas stations.
☞ Day 21
True or False Questions 💖Let’s try some listening practice.
- The travelers successfully passed through Chicago without encountering any traffic congestion.
- The travelers nearly ran out of gas while on Interstate 90.
- The atmosphere at the gas station felt the same as other gas stations the traveler had visited.
- Bulletproof glass was found in the restroom of the gas station.
For Japanese learners 語彙の確認
※ intended to:「~するつもりだ」
※ be caught in a traffic jam:「交通渋滞にはまる」
「交通渋滞」は traffic congestion とも言えます。
※ ran out of:「~が不足する」
※ get off the interstate 90:「インタステイトハイウェイ90を降りる」
※ before long:「すぐに」
※ Bulletproof glass:「防弾ガラス」
※ be known as:「~として知られている」
※ a car-centered society:「車中心社会」= a car-centric society
(参考)child-centered education「子ども中心の教育」
True or Falseの正解:
1 false 2 true 3 false 4 false