Listening Test
You have 10 seconds to read the situation and question No. 1.
Situation: You want the cheapest direct flight to Milan and can only leave on December 21. A travel agent has called you back and left the following voice mail message.
Question number 1: Which airline should you choose?
- Pacific Air.
- Trans Global.
- Jet Air.
- Asia Blue.
Through the 21st:~まで
It’s not direct:直行便ではありません。
you won’t have to wait long:長く待つ必要はありません。
the connecting flight:乗り継ぎ便
Trans Global has a direct flight on the 21st for $1,660.
just in case you can be flexible about dates, :日程に柔軟性がある場合に備えてですが
Which airline should you choose?という設問に対し、この人はthe cheapest direct flight to Milan and can only leave on December 21.という条件を出しているので、
Trans Global has a direct flight on the 21st for $1,660. Pacific Air has one for $1,520 on the same date. とあるので、正解は…1. Pacific Air.となります。
今日のテーマ:as as 数字 構文
Asia Blue has fares as low as $1,200.
Asia Blue has fares which are as low as $1,200. のwhich are の省略と考えられる
数字の前のas as 構文は「同じくらい~」ではなく、
次にくる数字を「as as の挟んだ形容詞・副詞ほども~だ」という言い方。
= Asia Blue offers fares starting at $1,200.
= Asia Blue has tickets priced as low as $1,200.
This is Ben from Sunflower Travel. I have some options for you. The cheapest is Jet Air. Through the 21st, they have a special for $1,340. It’s not direct, but you won’t have to wait long for the connecting flight, just a few hours. Trans Global has a direct flight on the 21st for $1,660. Pacific Air has one for $1,520 on the same date. And just in case you can be flexible about dates, Asia Blue has fares as low as $1,200 on December 16th and 17th. All prices include fuel and other surcharges.