Listening Test
You have 10 seconds to read the situation and question No. 1.
Situation: You are listening to the weather forecast. You want to go hiking in the mountains over the long weekend.
Question number 1: What is the best day for hiking?
- Friday.
- Saturday.
- Sunday.
- Monday.
for all you folks planning on spending time outdoors屋外で過ごす計画を立てている皆さん
watch out for two factors二つの要因に注意してください。
a warm front温暖前線
a low-pressure system低気圧
scattered showers散発的な雨
sunny breaks晴れ間が見える中
overcast skies曇り空になり
a 70% chance of rain70%の確率で雨
High pressure on Sunday will bring clear skies across the region日曜日には高気圧が入り、地域全体が晴れる見込み
What is the best day for hiking?と、設問でハイキングにふわわしい日を問われています。本文のこの部分でThat means we can expect scattered showers with sunny breaks on Friday. The front will move up on Saturday, bringing overcast skies to the entire region with a 70% chance of rain in the mountains. High pressure on Sunday will bring clear skies across the region, but expect thundershowers on Monday.晴れと言っているのは日曜日だとあります。
You have 10 seconds to read the situation and question No. 1.
You are listening to the weather forecast. You want to go hiking in the mountains over the long weekend.
Question number 1:
What is the best day for hiking?
And now for the weather forecast. The variable weather pattern will continue into the four-day weekend. So for all you folks planning on spending time outdoors, watch out for two factors: we’ve got a warm front coming into the lowland region and a low-pressure system moving northward. That means we can expect scattered showers with sunny breaks on Friday. The front will move up on Saturday, bringing overcast skies to the entire region with a 70% chance of rain in the mountains. High pressure on Sunday will bring clear skies across the region, but expect thundershowers on Monday.
Now, mark your answer on your answer sheet.
高気圧・前線など bring ● skies to 地域
clear skies:晴天
sunny skies:晴天
cloudy skies:曇り空(一部は日が差していたりもする)
overcast skies:曇り空(空全体が曇っている)
hazy skies:かすんだぼんやりとした天気
A new front is expected to bring showers to the region.
「風の強い日」ならa windy day 「突風」ならa gusty day