Listening Test
1. To test new road-building materials.
2. To promote cars as a form of transportation.
3. Because other highways were dangerous to drive on.
4. Because train travel was very expensive.
1. It did not connect to their cities.
2. The vehicles that used it were too noisy.
3. It took too long to construct.
4. They had to pay to drive on it.
The Lincoln Highway
During the early days of automobiles in the US, railroads were the main form of long-distance transportation, and automobiles were usually seen as expensive luxuries. However, in 1913, a group of automobile manufacturers began building the first coast-to-coast road, the Lincoln Highway. They hoped that this highway, which went from New York to San Francisco, would show consumers that automobiles were practical for getting around the country.
The Lincoln Highway was expensive to construct, so the builders looked for the shortest route possible. Because of this, the highway did not go to some large cities, which upset the residents of those places. The builders, however, believed the most important thing was to get the highway built. They knew that connecting roads could be easily constructed later. In time, the Lincoln Highway became the most famous road in the US and greatly improved the country’s transportation system.
during the early days of automobiles:自動車の黎明期
luxury:(名)ぜいたく品 (形容詞)豪華な・ぜいたくな
the first coast-to-coast road:最初の大陸横断道路
practical for getting around the country:国内移動に実用的な
the builders looked for the shortest route possible.
upset the residents:住民の気分を害した。
the most important thing was to get the highway built.
In time:やがて
Why was the Lincoln Highway built?という問いに対し、本文では、They hoped that this highway, which went from New York to San Francisco, would show consumers that automobiles were practical for getting around the country.とあります。「自動車が実用的だと消費者に示す」ということは、正解は…2. To promote cars as a form of transportation. 「交通手段として車を促進します。」
Why were some people upset about the Lincoln Highway?の問に対して、the highway did not go to some large cities,「ハイウェイはいくつかの大都市を通らなかった。」とあるので、正解は1. It did not connect to their cities.「その道は彼らの町を結ばなかった」となります。
Q1…2 Q2…1