1日1題リスニング:American Conversation Endings

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Listening Test


Q1 What happens in many cultures after a sign indicating that a conversation has ended is given?

  1. There is no more conversation.
  2. People bow, shake hands or say a particular word or phrase.
  3. They say something like “see you later.”
  4. They walk away so as not to offend the other person.

 Q2 Why can it sometimes be awkward or difficult for Americans to end a conversation?

  1. They must be three or four meters apart.
  2. They sometimes don’t mean “see you soon.”
  3. There is no one set way for people to do it.
  4. Other cultures have no signs for ending conversations.

 Q3 What do you often see people doing in America?

  1. Backing away from each other while saying “goodbye.”
  2. Bowing and shaking hands at the end of a conversation.
  3. Standing three or four meters apart while having a conversation.
  4. Using special phrases when they begin speaking to each other.

 Q4 What do Americans do to make ”goodbye” sound less final?

  1. Turn around again and again.
  2. Say “goodbye” for several minutes.
  3. Walk away without offending the other person.
  4. Talk about the next time they will meet.

 Q5 Why is it sometimes confusing for non-Americans when Americans say –“see you later” or “see you soon”?

  1. They are too far away to hear what is being said.
  2. They can’t understand the signs for ending a conversation.
  3. Americans don’t always mean it when they say this.
  4. Americans usually turn around and walk away.


Q1 What happens in many cultures after a sign indicating that a conversation has ended is given?の設問に対して、本文では、In many cultures around the world there are definite “signs” that a conversation is over, such as a bow, a handshake, a nod, or a certain word or phrase being said.と言っているので、正解は…2. People bow, shake hands or say a particular word or phrase.です。  

Q2 Why can it sometimes be awkward or difficult for Americans to end a conversation?の設問に対して、本文では、ending a conversation in American culture is not so easy. It can sometimes be difficult or awkward because there is no one set way to do so.と言っています。なので、正解は…3. There is no one set way for people to do it. 

Q3 What do you often see people doing in America? の設問に対して、本文では、One often sees Americans saying “goodbye” for several minutes while parting from each other. They often continue this until they are three or four meters apart, and sometimes turn around again and again after parting to say another “goodbye.” と言っているので、正解は…1. Backing away from each other while saying “goodbye.” 

Q4 What do Americans do to make ”goodbye” sound less final? 「アメリカ人は、“さようなら”が最終的なものではないように思わせちゃうのに、何をしちゃってますか?」の設問に対して、本文では、Americans often say something about the next time they might see the other person when ending a conversation, such as “see you later” or “see you soon,” と言っている。正解は…4. Talk about the next time they will meet. 

Q5 Why is it sometimes confusing for non-Americans when Americans say – “see you later” or “see you soon”? の設問に対して、本文では、though they may not really mean it. This makes the “goodbye” seem less final, but it sometimes confuses non-Americans who wonder when exactly they will meet again. と言っている。mean itは「本気です」という意味なので、正解は…3. Americans don’t always mean it when they say this.







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