At the base of Rushmore Mountain, we rented an entire cabin.
We started sharing our living experience.
Denise and Wild Bill joined us.
Due to the unfortunate weather that day, we decided to ride around Rapid City and Keystone.
The town was flooded with an incredible number of motorcycles.
Upon returning to the lodge, I presented a Japanese folding fan as a gift.
Lynn prepared original T-shirts, which were designed by her.
The word ‘MID-LIFE WARRIORS born to be mild’ was printed on the T-shirts.
In middle age, individuals may experience questioning and uncertainty regarding their life and goals, leading to a personal sense of crisis and emotional upheaval, which is commonly referred to as a midlife crisis.
The name “MID-LIFE WARRIORS” was inspired by the idea of facing a midlife crisis.
In addition, “Born to be Mild” is a parody of “Born to be Wild”.
I was impressed by the playful spirit of American adults.
☞ Day 12
True or False Questions 💖Let’s try some listening practice.
- The group decided to ride around Rapid City and Keystone due to the unfortunate weather.
- The name “MID-LIFE WARRIORS” was chosen because of the idea of facing a midlife crisis.
- The author presented a Japanese folding fan as a gift after taking a bath.
- “Born to be Mild” is not derived from “Born to be Wild”.
For Japanese learners
※ share our living experience ≒ live together
※ due to:「~のせいで」 ※※ Midlife crisis:
※ was flooded with:「~であふれていた」
※ an incredible number of:a number of 「たくさんの」で
※ incredible:「信じられない」形容詞
※ upon ~ing :「~するとすぐに」
※ Japanese folding fan:「扇子」
※ have 物 過去分詞:「物を~させる・してもらう」使役動詞の用法
※ uncertainty:「不安」※ regarding:前置詞「~に関して、~について、~の点で」
※ upheaval:「〔社会・経済・生活などの〕大混乱、大変動、」
※referred to:「~と言及する」
※ was impressed by:「~に感動した」
※ : born to be wild :ステッペンウルフ(Steppenwolf)が1968年に発表した楽曲で、映画「イージー・ライダー」にも採用され、自由と冒険の精神を称賛し、バイカーカルチャーやカウンターカルチャーの象徴となりました。
※ the playful spirit of ~:「~の遊び心」
Denise と Wild bill とはここから合流。
この日はあいにくの空模様だったので、Rapidcity と Keystone 周辺を走ることになった。
そのTシャツにはmid life worriersと印刷されていた。
midlife crisisとは、中年期に、自分の人生や目標に対する疑問や不安を感じ、個人的な危機感や心の葛藤を指す表現だ。
born to be mild はborn to be wildのパロディーだ。
True or False Questions Answers
1.true-The group decided to ride around Rapid City and Keystone due to the unfortunate weather.
2.true-The name “MID-LIFE WARRIORS” was chosen because of the idea of facing a midlife crisis.
3.false-The author presented a Japanese folding fan as a gift after taking a bath.
4.false-“Born to be Mild” is not derived from “Born to be Wild”.