【青山学院大学リスニング】part 2 人類の移動


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes the right to (    ).

  1. request refugee status in any country
  2. enter any country you want at any time
  3. build walls around your country
  4. gain citizenship in any country

Between the 1850s and 1910s, about (    ) of Europe’s population moved to the United States.

  1. 5% 15%    3. 25%   4. 35%

If the world had open borders, (    ).

  1. immigration could be expected to decrease dramatically
  2. GDP would be expected to increase dramatically
  3. there would be fewer old people in the world
  4. there would be an increase in the number of births in the world

Japan has a policy allowing immigration of highly skilled immigrants, but (    ).

  1. visas are so hard to get that the replacement rate is not reachable
  2. many villages in southern Japan are still attacked by wild animals
  3. few come because the environment is not good for them
  4. there are many environmental problems in the north of Japan

By the inequality of citizenship. Suketu Mehta means that (    ).

  1. one’s life is determined by what passport one holds
  2. citizens have more rights than non-citizens
  3. only the rich get citizenship
  4. the whole notion of citizenship is an immoral one

The majority of immigrants moved from (    ).

  1. a poor country to a slightly richer country
  2. a poor country to a much richer country
  3. a rich country to a slightly less rich country
  4. a rich country to a much poorer country

(    ) is NOT mentioned as a place with anti-immigrant policies and sentiment.

  1. Hungary 2. Italy 3. Poland   4. Sweden

(    ) are reasons Suketu Mehta gives for people to migrate from their home countries.

  1. Bad governments and dislike of their homes
  2. Bad governments and climate change
  3. Climate change and cultural resistance
  4. Cultural resistance and desire to get rich

Suketu Mehta thinks that (    ) are responsible for the excess carbon in the earth’s atmosphere.

  1. developing countries
  2. the developed countries except the USA
  3. both the USA and the EU
  4. not the EU but the USA

Suketu Mehta thinks that immigration is (    ).

  1. both necessary and good for everyone
  2. neither necessary nor good for everyone
  3. necessary but bad for people in the receiving countries
  4. necessary but bad for people left in the immigrants’ home countries


①正解は request refugee status in any country です。


“That document also includes the right to request entrance to a country as a refugee.”


②正解は 25% です。


“And in the age of mass migration from the middle of the 19th century to around 1914, fully one quarter of Europe up and moved to the United States.”

この文で、「19世紀半ばから1914年頃までの大量移民の時代に、ヨーロッパの**4分の1one quarter**がアメリカに移住した」と述べられています。

one quarter = 1/4 = 25% なので、選択肢3が正解です。

③正解は GDP would be expected to increase dramatically です。


“There’s a statistic that if the world had open borders, then world GDP would increase by $78 trillion a year.”


このことから、GDPが大幅に増加するという選択肢 2 が正解となります。

④正解は few come because the environment is not good for them です。


“Well, the Japanese have also realized that they need more immigrants because they need labor. So, they’re actually very cautiously opening up their doors. They’re trying to recruit high-skilled immigrants and have a policy allowing them, but not enough people want to move there because they feel it’s a bad atmosphere for them.”


このことから、3. few come because the environment is not good for them が正解となります。

⑤正解は one’s life is determined by what passport one holds です。


“The central point of my book is a moral argument that the greatest inequality in the world today is the inequality of citizenship. I can predict a person’s life depending on the passport that he or she holds.”

この文で、著者は 「市民権の不平等こそが世界最大の不平等であり、人の人生はその人が持つパスポートによって予測できる」 と述べています。

このことから、1. one’s life is determined by what passport one holds が正解となります。

⑥正解は a poor country to a slightly richer country です。


“The vast majority of world migrants, 85 percent, moved from a poor country to a slightly less poor country.”

この文で、著者は 「世界の移民の大多数(85%)は、貧しい国から少しだけ豊かな国へ移動している」 と述べています。

このことから、1. a poor country to a slightly richer country が正解となります。

⑦正解は Sweden です。


“But Trump is part of this broader phenomenon. We’ve seen it in Poland and Hungary. We’ve seen it in the UK with Brexit. We’ve seen it in Italy. This is a global phenomenon right now.”

この文では、反移民の動きがある国として Poland(ポーランド)、Hungary(ハンガリー)、Italy(イタリア)、UK(イギリス) が挙げられていますが、Sweden(スウェーデン) については言及されていません。

したがって、4. Sweden が正解となります。

⑧正解は Bad governments and climate change です。


“But people should understand that immigrants are coming to the US not because they hate their homes or their families, but because of colonialism, war inequality, and climate change. These people are coming here because we have literally made their homelands. So I want to turn the tables on the whole migration debate. Not ask so much, ‘Is it good for us Americans to let in immigrants? Should we let in high-skilled or low-skilled immigrants? How many should we let in?’ But look at it from the migrants’ point of view. Why are they moving in the first place? Because of the results of colonialism: bad governments and climate change.”

この部分で、移民の主な理由として “bad governments”(悪い政府)と “climate change”(気候変動) が挙げられています。

したがって、2. Bad governments and climate change が正解です。

⑨正解は both the USA and the EU です。


“Americans are four percent of the world’s population, but we put one third of the excess carbon in the atmosphere. The EU, another quarter. It’s our responsibility.”


⑩正解は 1. both necessary and good for everyone です。


“So when people move everyone benefits.”

“When people move, everyone benefits. For the United States, for every one million people that we bring in, the GDP will increase by 1.15 percent.”

これらの部分から、Suketu Mehtaは移民が受け入れ国、移民元国、そして移民自身にとってすべて良い結果をもたらすと考えていることが分かります。


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