Listening Test
- Flowers used for medical treatment.
- Flowers in the workplace.
- The beneficial effects of flowers.
- Traditional uses for flowers.
- Keep track of time.
- Drink more water.
- Study for a test.
- Endure more pain.
come up with:~を思いつく
ease stress:ストレスを和らげる
flowers with paler shades:より淡い色の花
increase tolerance for pain:痛みの耐性を高める=endure more pain.
keep their hands submerged in ice water:氷水に手を浸している
Judging by these results:これらの結果から判断すると
have the power to do:~する力を持っている
Q1:What is this talk mainly about? という設問に対して、本文では、第1パラグラフでScientists who study how flowers affect people have come up with some interesting results.と花の人々に対する影響の興味深い結果とあり、最終段落で Judging by these results, it seems that flowers do have the power to make us feel better.花は人を気分良くさせる力があるとしているので、正解は…3. The beneficial effects of flowers.になります。
Q2:What did looking at flowers help subjects in a hospital lab do? この設問に対する本文の該当箇所をみるとflowers tend to increase tolerance for pain. Subjects who looked at flowers in a hospital lab were able to keep their hands submerged in ice water – a typical pain test – for nearly a minute longer than those without flowers.と最初に「花は痛みの耐性を高める」とあるので、正解は…4. Endure more pain.になります。
Flower Power
It is common to give an ill person a gift of flowers, but there may be more to this than simple tradition. Scientists who study how flowers affect people have come up with some interesting results.
First, pink tulips or yellow daffodils – both of them brightly colored – ease stress more than flowers with paler shades. In a study of 90 people at Kansas State University, women who sat near a bouquet of colorful flowers during a typing assignment were more relaxed than those with less colorful flowers near them. Second, flowers tend to increase tolerance for pain. Subjects who looked at flowers in a hospital lab were able to keep their hands submerged in ice water – a typical pain test – for nearly a minute longer than those without flowers.
Judging by these results, it seems that flowers do have the power to make us feel better.
Q1…3 Q2…4