1日1題リスニング:driverless cars

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Listening Test


1.They believe the cars will reduce accidents.

2.They are sharing technology with each other.

3.They face strict export restrictions.

4.They are making the cars more fuel-efficient.


1.They do not trust foreign-made vehicles.

2.They believe jobs would be lost.

3.They cannot use the cars in rural areas.

4.They think they would lose their privacy.


Hands Off the Wheel

   Driverless cars may be the next revolution in the automobile world. Several car manufacturers already have self-navigating prototypes. Fewer young people in urban environments buy cars nowadays, but manufacturers hope the new technology will encourage them to change their purchasing habits. This is because driverless cars would allow people to concentrate on their smartphones or their work while on the move. Manufacturers also believe that driverless cars would result in fewer accidents than when humans are behind the wheel.

   Several obstacles remain, however. Enabling the cars to deal with busy city traffic is a tough challenge. As a result, the Ford Motor Company believes that driverless vehicles will not be common in the U.S. until 2025. Privacy is another issue. Driverless cars have to transmit data about their destination, speed, and location in order to navigate. Many Americans fear that this data could be used by the government to monitor their behavior.


driverless cars:「自動運転車」
self-driving cars
autonomous vehicles
automated vehicles


self-navigating prototypes:「自律走行する試作車」

purchasing habits:「購買習慣」

transmit data:「データを送信する」


Q1.What is one thing we learn about manufacturers of driverless cars?の根拠として、Manufacturers also believe that driverless cars would result in fewer accidents than when humans are behind the wheel.とあります。なので正解は…1.They believe the cars will reduce accidents.「その車は事故を減らす」は、本文のdriverless cars would result in fewer accidents「自動運転車はより少ない事故という結果になる」と言い換えて(パラフレーズして)います。

Q2.Why are some Americans concerned?の根拠は、本文にMany Americans fear that this data could be used by the government to monitor their behavior.とあります。なので正解は…4.They think they would lose their privacy.「データが政府に使われる」と本文には具体的に書かれていたのを、



Q1…1 Q2…4





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