- It can be stored for a long time.
- It ripens earlier in the year than other varieties.
- It is used in popular American food products.
- It contains more vitamins than other varieties.
- Growers should stop adding artificial coloring to it.
- Sales have decreased because of poor marketing.
- Supermarkets do not pay farmers enough for it.
- Efforts to make it look better have affected its taste.
The Red Delicious
Since the mid-twentieth century, the Red Delicious has been the most popular variety of apple in the US. Consumers like it because of its flavor and red color, but it also has an appeal for farmers. After the Red Delicious has been harvested, its thick skin allows it to be kept in warehouses without spoiling for longer than other varieties.
Over the years, however, supermarkets have become more focused on product appearance, and they have pressured growers to produce more-beautiful, nicely shaped apples to attract consumers. According to critics, this has severely affected the Red Delicious. They claim that the changes made to improve its appearance have made its skin even thicker, and that the flavor has become bitter and unpleasant. Though still a strong seller, sales of the Red Delicious have been falling steadily as consumers opt to buy more flavorful varieties.
Question number 1.
What is one reason farmers like to grow the Red Delicious apple?
Question number 2.
What do critics say about, the Red Delicious?
has an appeal for~:「~にとって魅力がある」
opt to do は、「~することを選ぶ」= choose to do
They claim that the changes made to improve its appearance have made its skin even thicker, and that the flavor has become bitter and unpleasant.
They claim that
the changes made to improve its appearance
have made its skin even thicker,
and that
the flavor has become bitter and unpleasant.
※Andの後ろのthatは前のthat節とA and Bしていることを表すthatで省略できません。
Though still a strong seller, sales of the Red Delicious have been falling steadily as consumers opt to buy more flavorful varieties.
Though sales of the Red Delicious are still a strong,
sales of the Red Delicious have been falling steadily.
赤の部分の主語とbe 動詞の時制が同じと考えたので、接続詞の後ろの赤い部分が省略されています。
Question 1
正解: 1. It can be stored for a long time.
本文では、「After the Red Delicious has been harvested, its thick skin allows it to be kept in warehouses without spoiling for longer than other varieties.」と書かれています。この文から、レッド・デリシャスの厚い皮が他の品種よりも長く保存可能にしていることがわかります。これは農家にとって大きな利点であるため、選択肢1が正解です。
Question 2
正解: 4. Efforts to make it look better have affected its taste.
本文では、「the changes made to improve its appearance have made its skin even thicker, and that the flavor has become bitter and unpleasant.」と記載されています。これは、見た目を良くするための改良が皮をさらに厚くし、風味を苦く不快なものにしたと批評家が述べている部分に該当します。よって、選択肢4が正解です。