


Question 1:

  1. Economic inequality
  2. Job losses
  3. Environmental issues
  4. Deteriorating infrastructure

Question 2:

  1. Withdraw all American soldiers from foreign countries
  2. Rebuild the country and foster national unity
  3. Avoid interfering in the problems of other nations
  4. Increase unnecessary government spending

Question 3: What did Trump declare the end of in his address?

  1. International trade wars
  2. Empty talk
  3. Military intervention
  4. Rising unemployment rates



Donald Trump’s first presidential address emphasized giving power back to the American people and moving away from the influence of a small elite in Washington. He highlighted issues such as economic inequality, job losses, and aging infrastructure, promising to focus on “America First” in policies related to trade, taxes, and immigration. Trump pledged to rebuild the country by creating jobs, strengthening borders, and fostering national unity. He also vowed to confront radical Islamic terrorism and protect the nation with the support of the military, law enforcement, and God. Declaring the end of “empty talk,” he called for bold action and unity to ensure prosperity, pride, and security for all Americans.


law enforcement:法を守るための行動や機関(警察、検察、シフ機関官など)が含まれます。



Promise to do:比較的軽い約束や誓いに使う。

Pledge to do:より正式で堅い誓いに使う。

Vow to do:強い意志や決意を伴った誓いに使う。

Swear to do:感情的、または瞬間的な強い決意を伝えることが多い。Vowより口語的

Commit to doing:(責任を持って)取り組む


Q1 ③

トランプの就任演説の中で取り上げられた問題には、経済的不平等(economic inequality)、仕事の喪失(job losses)、老朽化したインフラ(aging infrastructure= deteriorating infrastructure)などが含まれていますが、環境問題(environmental issues)に関する言及はありませんでした。

inaugural speech = first presidential address

Q2 ②

トランプは演説で、国を再建し(rebuild the country)、国民の団結を促進する(fostering national unity)と誓いました。彼は、仕事を創出し、国境を強化することを約束し、これを通じて国家の再建を目指すと述べました。

Q3 ②

トランプは演説で「空虚な言葉」(empty talk)の終わりを宣言しました。彼は「empty talk」をやめ、行動と団結を求めると述べ、実際の行動を取ることを強調しました。


The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.”




I believe it is important to consider various perspectives on what’s going on in America, including the reaction against political correctness, the limits of traditional media, and the influence of social media, where anyone can speak out.

I hope the world is moving in a positive direction.

Instead of blindly accepting the information given, learn English and seek out information that interests you.

Thank you for visiting this site. See you again soon.


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